Tuesday 16 January 2018

$HAON Halitron, Inc. - HAON Q4 Revenue $342,000 Up 110% - Up List to OTCQB

Halitron, Inc. - HAON Q4 Revenue $342,000 Up 110% - Up List to OTCQB

Miami, FL -- January 16, 2018 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- EmergingGrowth.com, a leading independent small cap media portal with an extensive history of providing unparalleled content for the Emerging Growth markets and companies, reports on Halitron, Inc. (OTC Pink: HAON).

HAON may not be at these levels much longer.

See the Press Release and more on Halitron, Inc. (OTC Pink: HAON) at EmergingGrowth.com

Halitron, Inc. (OTC Pink: HAON) just announced that it booked $342,000 in revenue for the fourth quarter 2017 which represents a 110% increase in sales over the third quarter 2017. 

The company stated in its press release…  “With a market cap of only approximately $1,324,000, Management is excited to announce that its sales for the three months ended December 31, 2017, have been recorded at approximately $342,000, which represents an increase of 110% over its previous quarter sales of approximately $163,000, for the three months ended September 30, 2017.”

If sales continue at only half this pace throughout 2018, the company could be looking at over $3 million in sales for 2018. 

The current market cap of Halitron, Inc. (OTC Pink: HAON) is approximately $1.3 million, its shares can have a dramatic upside. 

Previously the company announced that margins are also expected to increase due to its reduction of a manufacturing cell expenses by 65% after a move from Newton CT, to New Hide Park NY. 

Halitron, Inc. (OTC Pink: HAON) is also currently completing its audit which will allow it to qualify for an up list to the OTCQB in the early part of 2018.

During the two previous quarters, HAON has posted assets for 56 million Restricted LTCP Common Shares and 80 million LTCP Preferred Stock C shares.  The LTCP Preferred Stock C is entitled to a dividend payment in 2020 in the form of cash or LTCP common shares in 2020 valued at $3 million.

LTCP Management has planned to pay the $3 million payment due on the holder of the LTCP Preferred Stock C shares upon LTCP either completing a sufficient fundraising or generating cash flow, which may be earlier than the planned 2020 dividend date.

HAON may not be at these levels much longer.

See the Press Release and more on Halitron, Inc. (OTC Pink: HAON) at EmergingGrowth.com

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Have a look at Halitron, Inc. (OTC Pink: HAON)

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In the meantime, have a look at Halitron, Inc. (OTC Pink: HAON).  Here’s a trip one with a market cap of $1,324,000 that just released a 110% increase in Q4 revenue over Q3 to $342,000.00, and an up and coming up list to the QB. 

About EmergingGrowth.com
EmergingGrowth.com is a leading independent small cap media portal with an extensive history of providing unparalleled content for the Emerging Growth markets and companies.  Through its evolution, EmergingGrowth.com found a niche in identifying companies that can be overlooked by the markets due to, among other reasons, trading price or market capitalization.  We look for strong management, innovation, strategy, execution, and the overall potential for long- term growth.  Aside from being a trusted resource for the Emerging Growth info-seekers, we are well known for discovering undervalued companies and bringing them to the attention of the investment community.  Through our parent Company, we also have the ability to facilitate road shows to present your products and services to the most influential investment banks in the space.  

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Business Description
Halitron, Inc. is an equity investment holding company. The Company is implementing an acquisition roll-up model of acquiring sales, marketing, and manufacturing businesses. Once acquired, the collective group of companies leverage the low cost and efficient infrastructure that has been created.
Verified Company Profile8/01/2017
Contact Info
  • 3 Simm Lane Suite 2F
  • Newtown, CT 06470

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